Friday, June 1, 2012

Obama's speech to air force academy graduates...

While reading an article over at the washington post regarding obama's speech to the graduating air force academy class graduates (link below) I was struck by many of the anti- American comments posted. One poster in response to a claim that America's military was still the best trained and most competent in the world SAID, " why then have you not won a war since World War II although being at war almost every year since ?"

Ignorance is hard for me to tolerate despite my usual gentle nature . Sigh..

There will likely not to be any more wars with the kind of complete and total surrender akin to World War II.
Geopolitics is far more complex and even borders themselves become irrelevant in many instances as military actions target not just nation state actors but ideological threats such as Al Qaeda .

It would be a fool that would stand and argue the United States military is anything less than the most competent in the world . Even in Vietnam (which is arguably our darkest hour in recent history at least militarily) I would ask the apparently legion of uneducated students unaware of modern history to avail yourself of the facts....

How many Vietcong were killed for every American soldier killed?

How many Soviet migs were shot down for every American aircraft ?

Clearly the United States is competent militarily. To argue otherwise is simply ludicrous to the point of absurdity . What Vietnam ushered in was the notion that more than simple military might would be required to win future conflicts.  Even today we are witnessing the evolution and refinement of policies that will allow the United States to remain the dominant force in the world as we have made our mistakes and learn from them in nationbuilding both in Iraq and Afghanistan .

Afghanistan is admittedly quite chaotic and even still when compared to the Soviets lack of success even our modest gains there can only be considered tremendous accomplishments .

Sadly I do not believe there is a postwar age for United States as anyone of intelligence understands that Islam itself represents an  existential  threat to Western civilization so long as it purports to engage in Jihad until sharia law rules all of the earth . Well-meaning people who under the guise of religious tolerance do not wish to say the obvious  are bewildered and perplexed when confronted with the obvious question - are you willing to support sharia law which would stone a person to death publicly for adultery and behead them for other crimes ? The stark reality is that this is sharia law that every Muslim without exception is required to support and adhere to . If a Muslim does not then they are not "in communion" with the Koran and Islam itself and cannot claim to be a Muslim . Simply put if one does not believe what the Koran clearly and plainly teaches in a most explicit manner than one simply cannot claim to be a Muslim . Therefore all Muslims if they are true Muslims must support Jihad upon the world until sharia rules the earth. So-called " moderate Muslims " simply do not exist in reality to the extent that " moderate " means they disembark from the beliefs of Islam and the Koran . It is on that basis I make the perhaps audacious claim that there is no such thing as Islamic extremism there is only Islam.

Are these punishments and this system of justice in anyway congruent with the hallmarks of a civilized western society ?

Mr. Obama 's speech to the Air Force Academy graduates well perhaps inspiring like so many of his speeches have been remind me in an unsettling way of sitting through Steven Spielberg movie and it's emotional manipulation .  At this point into the Obama administration 's tenure it's clear that Mr. Obama has no integrity . His words his promises are empty and hollow without meaning and can only be regarded as trivial entertainment and self-aggrandizement which is sadly in most cases further polarizes this country despite his promises of bringing us together.