Friday, January 22, 2010

What Direction now??

So much to talk about!!!
I have so much frustration at the actions of both this administration and its most egregious hypocrisy

Perhaps I should start with the interview Obama gave ABC yesterday with George Stephanopoulos. It's most distressing that ABC has the audacity to portray Stephanopoulos as capable of objective news reporting since as he was Bill Clinton's press secretary. Yet this is a sad state of the news media today. Mr Obama began his commentary on the Massachusetts upset by blaming George Bush AGAIN in a display of his unique incredible ego-maniacal immaturity. So Obama says that the same anger that propelled him to office was behind Scott Brown's win in arguably the most liberal state (sorry “commonwealth”) in the nation. Yet it simply does not follow that that anger he claims propelled him in to office has now also swept Scott brown into office and it is the same anger. Brown ran a campaign aimed squarely at repudiating the Obama agenda and made health care a primary core issue. Public and internal polls all show this to be a fact and to deny this was a referendum of not only Obamacare but the “Progressive” agenda is simply an exercise in denial.

Adding insult to injury we learn more of the idiocy of Eric Holder's Justice Dept and Obama's lack of a coherent strategy for combating terrorism. In a stunning display of incompetence and disregard for the safety of the American public the respective heads of the Dept of Homeland Security, TSA, and the National Director of Intelligence all were asked if they had been consulted regarding the venue or how to handle the Christmas day “underwear bomber.”

The answer repeated over and over and over was an emphatic, “no.”

Again one must wonder at the motivations for a hurried push to civilian court where this enemy combatant will receive rights and privileges reserved US Citizens. The underwear bomber chose a Christian Holy Day – Christmas – and waited until the aircraft was just above the airport so as to create maximal terror by the scattering of bodies from such a low altitude. He selected his seat for its proximity to the fuel tanks.

Why is it again that we cease offensive operations during muslin holy days?

It seems to me that when an enemy is determined to win at all costs and respects nothing and regards his killing of an infidel or non believer to be acceptable and he is sent from God that political correctness is simply a recipe for defeat.

Obama and holder continue there onslaught against the safety of America and our dedicated intelligence professionals who have been demoralized by this pair's deliberate thwarting of these agencies ability to carry out the formidable task they are charged with fulfilling

This week we commemorate the abomination of thinking and logic that resulted in Roe versus Wade that legalized the murder of unborn children in 1973. Since that time between 1,200,000 and 2,000,000 million children have had their lives extinguished EACH year since 1973. The vast majority black.

Without resorting to euphemisms and requisite profound self deception required to entertain the notion that abortion on demand is nothing more than a simple procedure I will simply say that it is worth reflecting upon the 50 + million lives taken. How many Einsteins... how many Nobel prize winners... how many scientists that may have discovered the cure for cancer HIV and any number of evils that plague civilization have we murdered? How many MLKs, Mother Teresa's and Ghandi's? Certainly from a pure statistical and mathematical point of view we must have deprived humanity of a multitude of these special ones.

It is with a sad irony that I note Mr Obama is the most pro abortion president in history. The African American community has yet to awaken to the reality of the genocide perpetrated on it by abortion mainly at the hands of planned parenthood and racist and eugenics roots of Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood.

No recap of recent events could not be complete without mentioning Haiti of course. Anti American figures like Hugo Chavez laughably make criticisms regarding the US lead efforts while their own efforts are conspicuously impotent. Chavez thinks the earthquake was caused by the United States Navy testing a new weapon

I watched him with the usual incredible pride for my country which despite the polarization that has gripped us politically and has been so divisive - we -= The USA - did the right thing and stepped up and provided the most aid of any nation on earth. We remain the most generous nation ever providing humanitarian and other aid where ever it is needed

It was with great sadness that my own commitments prevented me from assisting doctors without borders myself in Haiti. I am very proud of my profession whose heart and humanity extends to all regardless of location, politics or any other superfluous characteristic that would obscure our basic shared humanity. Seeing the United States take the lead in providing this aid should reaffirm to the world we are the last best hope for liberty freedom and dignity.

1 comment:

  1. You really do know just what to say, and just how to say it, for maximum effectiveness.. You express the feelings of so many Americans who are just as frustrated as you, yet not as articulate.. Genius!! Thank you =)
