Friday, February 12, 2010

Checks, balances and Chicago politics ...

You bring a knife and I will bring a gun.

That's the way things are done in Chicago. For all his vaunted intelligence and promises of a new era in bipartisanship in Washington Barack Obama has shown his preferred style of working. The rough and tumble style of politics that is the norm in the windy city. His calls anew for bipartisanship on health care after breaking his now infamous promises of CSPAN coverage of what in reality were secret meetings behind closed doors where only Dems were given a seat at the table. Where CSPAN dared not tread to televise his secret deals with drug companies, AARP, and of course the bribery of Senators from Nebraska, Louisiana and Arkansas.

After a year of this and an onerous bill weighing in at close to 3,000 pages which he reaffirmed his commitment to he NOW wants to play nice? Almost 3,000 pages and accounting trickery to claim (with a straight face no less) that it would reduce the deficit? Accounting tom foolery that would land any non federal accountant in prison?

Shame on all of us for even considering that this administration has any integrity left after its legion of broken promises.

It disturbs me that we all seem to forget that this mammoth piece of legislation was something Mr Obama tried to force through in a matter of days or weeks without ANY discussion at all... Never mind the promise of posting it on the internet and the subsequent votes to keep it from being made available by Senate Healthcare finance members. That anyone can even take the matter seriously anymore is an act of self deception. Am I the only one outraged that US Congress and Senate members voted to keep ANY non national security related information from the public? The Constitution is the greatest political document in history. No qualifications nor prefaces needed..

Depending on the version that you are reading the total number of pages is approximately 15. Yet these few pages have governed the most incredible nation this earth has seen in modern times. In less than 200 years a meteoric rise to prosperity, military might and standard of living that is unprecedented and the envy of the world. A Nation where people risk life and limb and routinely die to get IN not out...

The founders knew of the wisdom of our system of governance. So it is only with some difficulty that it is changed. It was not meant to be easily changed in any wholesale fashion nor tinkered with in response to any fad or modern novelty of thought. The filibuster is an integral part of our legislative bodies' byzantine procedural maze of parliamentary procedure. It allows a minority party to hold up legislation from being rammed through and is functionally a primary facilitator of bi partisanship. To stop the filibuster requires a super majority. A super majority the Democrats have held for the past 13 months. although the party in power does not like this procedural weapon they know that their very existence and ability to shape legislation may also depend upon it in a different time when they are the minority.

It's with disgust that once again we are witness to the antithesis of bipartisanship called for by the president just 24 hours ago. Leading Democrats are now furiously working to eliminate the filibuster after their humiliating loss in Massachusetts with Scott Brown and with him so too their filibuster proof super majority in the Senate. That is not to say that they were able to accomplish much even though they had a super majority. If there is going to be blame for the failure to pass major legislation during the honeymoon first year of the Obama presidency it certainly cannot be blamed on Republicans. The gargantuan failure rests firmly on the shoulders of a divided democratic party torn between the "progressive" contingency and more moderate blue dog Democrats.

In all fairness Tom Harkin has been calling for elimination of the filibuster for many years now. However this is a new chant for most everyone else in the recently formed chorus of whining on Capitol Hill. To hear congresswoman Wasserman Schultz (D FL) opine that Republicans have,"... used the filibuster beyond the founders intentions" when she herself has been supportive of legislation that would make most of the founders shake their heads in bewilderment at how their simple clear instructions could be so hideously twisted. Once again this administration has demonstrated that it says one thing - usually what it believes the public wants to hear - and then proceeds to pursue it's extreme ideological agenda without regard to anyone or anything else.

At least conservatives CAN take solace in the consistency of what these tenacious proponents of state-ism actually DO as opposed to the perpetual verbal pandering to special interests and constituencies. For the progressive who governs from a fantastical Utopian dream state that is unachievable The answer always lies in additional regulations and legislation More dictates as to how you as an individual must live your life because you are obviously incapable and the "progressive" obviously of superior intellect DOES know what you need.

The cause of ALL problems is NOT human nature or our shear flawed state of humanity - the reality of which a conservative faces head on and must deal with in practical ways - but to the "progressive" ALL problems have a root cause in an imagined universal deficiency of governmental authority which must be constantly expanded in pursuit of achieving the unrealistic utopian dream of collectivism. I'd be happy to entertain the notion if anyone can tell me where it has ever worked in all of history.

I'm still waiting.

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