Did you hear about what congress is trying to do now? 200-250 BILLION for "job creation" - I thought the stimulus was supposed to do that?
You remember the 1 TRILLION dollar package (over HALF which remains UNSPENT despite promises of "shovel ready" projects) that was supposed to save us and prevent unemployment from exceeding 8%?
Mind you in California unemployment is hovering around 12% and if the long term unemployed are accounted for the real number nationwide at 17%+ is one Obama does not want to talk about. We cant even consider the numbers for black men between 18 and 35 which is so shocking at 40-50% Obama ignores the issue completely as he is more interested in political payback to organized labor foresaking his many campaign promises.
Why the black community seems to allow him this transgression of such monumental proportion is inexplicable. This then provides us with the rationale for Obama;s current aversion to a real press conference these days.
Mind you in California unemployment is hovering around 12% and if the long term unemployed are accounted for the real number nationwide at 17%+ is one Obama does not want to talk about. We cant even consider the numbers for black men between 18 and 35 which is so shocking at 40-50% Obama ignores the issue completely as he is more interested in political payback to organized labor foresaking his many campaign promises.
Why the black community seems to allow him this transgression of such monumental proportion is inexplicable. This then provides us with the rationale for Obama;s current aversion to a real press conference these days.
After all he really is quite busy giving President Calderone of Mexico a forum for lecturing America on immigration law. I just wish Obama who obviously has not even read the law would take a look the 10 pages (plus 5 pages of amendments) that comprise AZ SB 1070. Its a light casual read compared to the almost 3,000 page health care "reform" that was fashioned in secret out of view of even the oft promised C-SPAN cameras. "Most transparent administration in recent history" indeed... But I digress...
It is perhaps just too much to ask that our chief law enforcement official - Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano ( and ironically frmr Gov of AZ) AFTER appearing on virtually every major network criticizing AZ's law and issuing opinions as to its constitutionality admitted that neither of the officials above had even bothered to read it. That Mr Holder is Attorney General and threatened A federal legal challenge of the law and THEN in a house judiciary hearing admitted not only he had not read the law but adding insult to ignorance and bringing his competence solidly into question told legislators he relied on the news media and what he had read about the law - yet not the law itself.
This is no joke... But our Attorney General! One can only wonder what a heyday the media would have had if a Bush administration official had perpetrated the same fraud upon the citizenry as the above Obama officials. But then similarly abhorrent examples of hypocrisy and overt incompetence abound within Mr Obama's fifedom.
Most have no doubt seen Calderone's comments, "... I stonrgly disagree with Arizon's new law..."
I'd suggest a correction or several alternatives:
1) I strongly disagree with America having laws like we do in Mexico
2) I strongly disagree with America enforcing its own Southern border with the tenacity we do in Mexico
I'm sure you can come up with several of your own...
I think at some point Mexican's themselves might begin to have some shame about this whole affair. Rather than govern Mexico and tackle the ubiquitous corruption Mr Calderone and so many before him aquiesce to a country in such economic and social dissarray that the only solution they can conceive is to encourage the wholesale exodus of their citizens. I just wonder what the might think if Obama or Bush had shown up in their capitol and lectured them on corruption, drug enforcement and how education beyond 8th grade should be mandatory if they expect to compete in a global economy.
Somehow I think the proud people of Mexico might react with far greater outrage then we have. That has been a problem for those "bitter clingers" such as you and I... we hold a live and let live attitude and tend to remain silent. I heard a new phrase that we would do well to take to heart amid the clamors that all who oppose Mr Obama's radical agenda are racist (BTW how insulting and childish can you get? I odnt care what race/color the man is its his POLICIES I abhor) - anyway here it is:
Not Racist
Not Violent
2) I strongly disagree with America enforcing its own Southern border with the tenacity we do in Mexico
I'm sure you can come up with several of your own...
I think at some point Mexican's themselves might begin to have some shame about this whole affair. Rather than govern Mexico and tackle the ubiquitous corruption Mr Calderone and so many before him aquiesce to a country in such economic and social dissarray that the only solution they can conceive is to encourage the wholesale exodus of their citizens. I just wonder what the might think if Obama or Bush had shown up in their capitol and lectured them on corruption, drug enforcement and how education beyond 8th grade should be mandatory if they expect to compete in a global economy.
Somehow I think the proud people of Mexico might react with far greater outrage then we have. That has been a problem for those "bitter clingers" such as you and I... we hold a live and let live attitude and tend to remain silent. I heard a new phrase that we would do well to take to heart amid the clamors that all who oppose Mr Obama's radical agenda are racist (BTW how insulting and childish can you get? I odnt care what race/color the man is its his POLICIES I abhor) - anyway here it is:
Not Racist
Not Violent
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