Friday, November 6, 2009

The Critical Gaze...

It bothers me that so many cast an ultra-critical eye on America and are unwilling to cast that same eye upon other Nations and state actors or even administrations they do not like. Ten months into Mr. Obama's administration he is still making excuses and blaming Mr Bush. The Media is still engaged in its “slobbering love affair” replete with unceasing adulation from all but one news outlet. Apparently the ego-maniacal Marxist at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is not content with ONLY the constant praise of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, CBC, Unavision and MSNBC. But again I digress...

Where are the critics that just two short years ago were railing that it was the President's fault for not having enough flu vaccine? How is it that then it was so obviously the Oval Office at fault and yet today with what the media describes as the “smartest man in the white House in decades” and all his smart advisers and “czars” and the shortage of vaccine is worse than ever and yet now is only the manufacturers “outdated technology” with the White House being passed over as if it had nothing to do with it?

Then Sen Hillary Clinton blamed the shortage of flu vaccine on the Bush administration.

They're more interested in tax cuts for the rich than for flu shots for everyone who needs them. This administration has their priorities wrong," she added. "And we've really paid a big price for their negligence.
Never mind her own hand in changing laws regarding vaccine manufacture that likely have contributed to the shortage directly.

Where is the outraged citizenry that decried Dick Cheney and Haliburton making money off of Iraq as the revolving door between Goldman Sachs and the current adminstration spins ever more rapidly... (maybe it's a wind mill generating green power?)???

Where are they as Al Gore, chief figurehead of the climate change theory (so handily debunked by Lord Monkton) as he profits from the setting up of the carbon exchange to trade carbon credits which will do nothing for the environment except make our own far less habitable here in the US as jobs fly overseas at the speed of light and utility bills – and I quote Mr Obama - “”...necessarily skyrocket.” while China and India the worst offenders of all continue to refuse to adhere to any limitations of the pollution they spew which will only grow more voluminous as American manufacturing jobs and capacity – at least whats left – migrate with even greater rapidity to these “frenemies”.

More later... I have to say I'm still slack jawed at the media's attempt to rationalize Maj. Hasan's murder of a dozen people as he shouted in Arabic, “God is great” or Alla akbhar. The rallying cry of Muslim terrorists world wide. Yet we cant cross that PC border and call this guy what he was... why do we bend over backwards to placate the 1.6% of Americans who identify as Muslim? I wonder what would have happened if a white male committed mass murder at a military installation while screaming, "Jesus Saves!"

Can you imagine the field day they would have ???

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