Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just one more common man trying to make sense of how we got where we are. More importantly on these pages I hope to elucidate and articulate the foundational truths that will get us back to the America that has always rightfully been the hope of the world and humanity itself.

There have been many things that finally motivated me to this outlet... the least of which is a generation that seems to have a profound amnesia of even recent history. Trying to intelligently discuss politics with a group of people that placed this great Nation in the hands of someone not based on reason but on "feelings" as they chanted slogans more reminiscent of Mao's revolution than a free democratic republic.

They lack the context to evaluate much of the political wrangling in the news daily and suffer from the most egregious and obvious example of what happens when education is subject to "sensitivity and diversity review" which leads not to an education rooted in the classic subjects that have served as civilizations foundation for millennium but instead results in indoctrinating young minds in "proper" ways to feel and think but robs them of most if not all critical thinking skills. Not to mention a constant annoyance of mine which is that when i perhaps fish out the correct change after handing a cashier at (insert ANY store here but particularly Target, WalMart etc) results in a slack jawed look of bewilderment by the clerk who has not the skill to make change without the computer. But I digress.

Let me also say right now that I believe in civil and logical debate and discourse. I see a lack of it from far too many and on both sides of the political aisle. I must confess I am dismayed at the "Progressive's" use of personal attacks and playing the race card. Shame on the American public for accepting such a ludicrous assertion that anyone who departs from the lock step of a black President is therefore "racist"! I care not for the color of a persons skin... I care for the policies he or she purports to believe and will use to lead the great Nation.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and totally agree with everything you said. I'll be back! Oh, I loved the video too. It scared me at first but what a nice surprising ending!

  2. I'm so happy you've finally hopped on the blogwagon, senor. I'll be quoting your blog on my Facebooks and MySpaces, lol. I'm looking forward to the reaction. ;)
