Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The insidious PC infection... and so many tears

Political correctness...

that nasty group think that has infected all sectors of society has now sadly infiltrated our armed services.

I am filled with so many emotions as I watch the memorial service at ft Hood. I am not a tough guy. I cry often. I sit writing this with tears streaming down my face and taps playing after a rifle volley in tribute to the men and women murdered by Nidal Hasan.

I am ashamed of my President and his cowardice to plainly call Major Hasan what he is – an Islamic terrorist.

Within hours of the massacre Mr Obama pleaded for us to wait for the facts and not jump to conclusions while simultaneously the FBI stated without equivocation that terror and any greater plot or links to terror groups would not be considered. I wonder if the FBI heard Mr Obama's words... “wait for the facts and not jump to conclusions.”

I'm not sure we needed much more in the way of facts though. Maj Hasan gave out copies of the Koran the morning of his murder plot. Told neighbors he was going away. And then out of his fanatical religious views proceeded to murder 13 innocent victims in the name of his god while while screaming Allah is great in Arabic and shooting over 100 rounds indiscriminately into a crowd gathered for a graduation ceremony and hitting over 40 people with the gun he bought slightly over one month ago.

The murderer got a free ride because he was Muslim. He had been investigated for his Anti American views. He as a psychiatrist trained in PTSD was to help our most vulnerable heroes coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan... those with shattered psyches who his job it was to communicate that he could be trusted and could help them. Instead he proselytized and argued with them. HE abused his power as a healer and flaunted to colleagues that he was a Muslim first and an American second. His colleagues reported these things and eventually became afraid to because they were accused of anti-muslim attitudes.

On ABC's “This Week” Gen Casey the Army Chief of Staff unbelievably spoke about worrying over the possible backlash against Muslim soldiers. I think I prefer Casey to think more about why Nidal Hasan remained in our armed forces and how he can prevent another massacre like Ft Hood and stopping the insidious spread of “politically correct” thought in the armed forces the very last place it should find a comfortable and welcoming home.

In telling emails from Army officials less than 24 hours after the tragedy they ask for reevaluation of terrorism plans at respective military installations. '

It turns out that Hasan had ongoing communications with a radical imam from that African bastian of respect for freedoms, Yemen. A man named Anwar al Awlaki who is a US citizen. Awlaki has heaped praise upon Hasan. These emails etc came to the attention of the FBI and intelligence community and were dismissed!

To paraphrase convicted 9-11 Islamic terrorist Mousawi's defense lawyer who has defended several terror suspects – “Exactly what communication between a Unites States Military Officer and the Imam that coached several of the 9-11 terrorists can be considered 'benign' – give me a break.”

Anwar al Awlaki has said the following on his web site:

“Nidal Hassan is a hero...”

“How can there be any dispute about the virtue of what he has done?”

“The heroic act of brother Nidal...”

“...we ask Allah to accept from him his great heroic act.”

I have watched with alarm as some media outlets have tried to medicalize this mans act of terror or use it to further their own agenda in regards to Afghanistan or Iraq. The heretofore unknown diagnosis of “vicarious PTSD” which has beeen advanced is laughable and supposedly comes from Hasan hearing the horror stories of returning vets. Funny how the sordid misery of urban living with its depression, suicide, addiction and broken lives that EVERY psychiatrist hears as well as those of us in Family Practice hear daily have not caused an epidemic of “vicarious PTSD”.

You see the problem is one of perception. If Obama admits that this is indeed an act of terror – which it clearly was – then he faces the full assault of Dick Cheney's criticisms being true. Therefore we have witnessed the spin machine in full force to make this not a terrorist act but an ostensibly simple act of criminal justice with no greater implication or meaning than that of one more madman run amok with a gun.

It would clearly show the American public Mr. Obama's inherent distaste for all things military as he clings to his policy of accommodation and capitulation

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